Contract 415-13-202: Task Order 17, Geotechnical Investigation and Pile Foundation Design, Holland Tunnel and Lincoln Tunnel
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) is implementing a flood protection system for the vent buildings along the Lincoln Tunnel and Holland Tunnel. The head of KC’s geotechnical engineering group worked on this project as an employee of another firm. The geotechnical scope included the geotechnical investigation program, subsurface exploration investigation to determine soil conditions, preparing the geotechnical report, and providing foundation recommendations for the design of a drilled shaft to support the loading from stop logs.
The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) is implementing a flood protection system for the vent buildings along the Lincoln Tunnel and Holland Tunnel. The head of KC’s geotechnical engineering group worked on this project as an employee of another firm. The geotechnical scope included the geotechnical investigation program, subsurface exploration investigation to determine soil conditions, preparing the geotechnical report, and providing foundation recommendations for the design of a drilled shaft to support the loading from stop logs.