Halloween is defined by Britannica as: “Contraction of All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All Saints’ (or All Hallows’) Day”. Throughout the years, Halloween has become a popular holiday in the United States celebrated by children and adults. Carving pumpkins, trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, eating candies, and so on play a major part of the new Halloween traditions and are how people who celebrate the holiday spend their October 31st.
Engineering skills can be very convenient for holidays like Halloween. Engineers are gifted with the quality and/or skills to design and build. Creating Halloween engineering projects is a great way to keep yourself and kids engaged with fun activities. So, if you are looking for some engineering related fun art activities to do, read on!
Here are five Halloween project ideas that you can create:
1. Pumpkin elevators can be made with pumpkins and a variety of recyclable materials;
2. Germinating pumpkins can be made with pumpkins, seeds, and soil;
3. Floating ghosts can be made out of plastic pipettes;
4. Spider webs can be made from yarn; and
5. Paper bats can be made from paper.
Creating these types of project ideas gives kids the opportunity to bring out their creative sides by allowing them to design, build, and even learn to grow food.