Wear Red Day 2019

KC celebrated the American Heart Association (AHA)’s 15th annual “National Wear Red Day” on February 1st, supporting the fight against cardiovascular disease in women as part of a nationwide effort known as Go Red for Women®.

Heart disease claims the lives of more than 400,000 women each year and is the number one leading cause of death for women – that’s about the same as the next three most common causes of death combined. Luckily, about 80% of cardiovascular diseases may be prevented.

“Eat a heart-healthy diet, be physically active on a regular basis, don’t smoke, and stay at a healthy weight,” says Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, a senior faculty member of cardiology at Mount Sinai in New York, NY. AHA recommends a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats, and whole grains; at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity and/or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity; and plenty of sleep and stress relief.

In the spirit of health and wellness, employees at the Circleville, Poughkeepsie, and New York City offices enjoyed a healthy breakfast spread while adorned in various shades of red.

For our English friends across the pond, February 1st was also Wear Red Day, however their event aided the Leeds Congenital Heart Unit at the General Infirmary through The Children’s Heart Surgery Fund. Regardless of where you are in the world, if you missed Wear Red Day this year, be sure to join us next time. Together we can raise awareness and help make healthier hearts everywhere!

Gearing Up for the Tri-County Heart Walk

Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, but is largely preventable.

In 1924, six cardiologists founded the American Heart Association (AHA) to improve the lives of Americans by advocating for heart health. Their hope, by the year 2020, is to improve “the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent.” According to the AHA, more than one in every three adults has some form of cardiovascular disease, almost half of the U.S. population.

Public health education is the platform for the AHA’s mission. They provide global lifesaving programs like first aid, CPR, and advanced life support training; host national specialty conferences to share scientific knowledge; and educate and encourage the general public to live healthier lives.

At KC Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. (KC), we are dedicated to promoting cardiac awareness both internally and throughout the community. We recognize the severity of heart disease and the importance of education and prevention.

This quarter, KC placed special emphasis on heart health by celebrating American Heart Month in February with Go Red for Women Day, hands-only CPR training in March, and will culminate our events with the annual Tri-County Heart Walk on May 6 at Lake Welch Beach in Stony Point, NY.

So far, the KC Team has raised $2,032 of our $3,000 goal. Raj Ravilla, KC’s President, will generously match donations to our team up to $5,000.

To donate or to join to the KC Team, visit: http://www2.heart.org/site/TR?team_id=385089&fr_id=3019&pg=team.

Wear Red Day 2016

KC is proud to participate in the American Heart Association's Wear Red Day! Our offices wore red in support of the AHA and to raise awareness for heart research, and we enjoyed a spread of heart-healthy snacks as our Heart Walk team kicks off our fundraising!

KC also participated in a hands-only CPR training event hosted by the American Heart Association at KC's Circleville and Poughkeepsie offices! The office learned how to perform hands-only CPR and got to practice the skill, which might help save a life!

Heart Walk 2016

KC is proud to once again have participated in the American Heart Association's Tri-County Heart Walk! The KC Team helped to promote physical activity to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. As a company, we recruited over 30 team members and raised a grand total of $7,576, including a generous match of our team donations by KC’s President, Raj Ravilla.

Thank you to everyone who registered to walk with the KC team, helped us spread the word, or donated! Together we really can help make a difference, and we appreciate of all your continued support!

Fundraising for Charity 2015

KC participated in the American Heart Association's Tri-County Heart Walk! The KC Team helped to promote physical activity to build healthier lives free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. As a company, we recruited over 40 team members and raised a grand total of $6,475, including a generous match of our team donations by KC’s President, Raj Ravilla. KC was awarded the AHA’s Rookie Team of the Year award for our participation.

Thank you to everyone who registered to walk with the KC team, helped us spread the word, or donated! Together we really can help make a difference, and we appreciate of all your continued support!