Earth’s Rotation Day

Did you know that scientists have recently concluded that the Earth's rotation has been accelerating?

We recognize January 8 as Earth's Rotation Day because French physicist Leon Foucault discovered that it revolves on its axis once every 24 hours in 1851. Since this discovery, scientists have been examining the Earth's daily rhythms, which are responsible for our ability to experience daylight cycles.

The Earth has been found to be rotating more quickly than usual in recent years, which may result in shorter days. According to, “On June 29, 2022, Earth completed one spin in 1.59 milliseconds less than 24 hours.” Based on this rotation speed, we might see a "negative leap second," in which case our atomic clocks will have to skip a second to synchronize with the Earth’s rotation if the days keep getting shorter. Some scientists believe that the “negative leap second” could happen as early as 2029 if Earth’s rotation continues with its current speed. Based on recent studies, there have been many speculations that the melting ice phenomenon is causing the Earth’s rotation to accelerate. For example, places like Greenland and Antarctica have been experiencing rapid ice melting. The article “NASA-Funded Studies Explain How Climate Is Changing Earth’s Rotation” by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, stated that “a recent study measures the extent to which polar motion is being driven by climate-related processes, such as the melting of glaciers and ice sheets. And another study examines how Earth’s day is getting longer due to polar meltwater" (Wang & Lee, 2024). Researchers have been studying these changes for decades, trying to understand and find a solution to this rapidly growing issue of melting glaciers.

Researchers and engineers have been working on geoengineering techniques to potentially reduce the melting glaciers. Underwater barriers and curtains have the capacity to prevent warm water from reaching the glacier floor, making them one of the most promising geoengineering strategies that could have a beneficial effect on the melting glaciers. Another geoengineering strategy that might help with melting glaciers is drainage. The drainage will be able to control the flow of meltwater, which could reduce possible hazards and avoid flooding. To conclude, renewable energy sources are also promising strategies to control greenhouse gas emissions, which is one of the contributing factors of climate change. Based on published data, the primary contributors to the rising levels of greenhouse gases in the environment are human activities like using electricity and transportation. So, let's commemorate this Earth's Rotation Day by raising awareness of our environmental issues.

Happy Earth’s Rotation Day!


Make Everyday Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event held on April 22nd since 1970 to bring awareness and show support for environmental protection. But did you know that one of the inspirations for Earth Day were the 1960s anti-Vietnam War teach-in protests? This was an educational empowerment protest where the attendees were able to listen to lectures and hold free debates.

The terms “pollution” and “global warming” weren’t known or popular between the 1900s to the 1960s like they are in today’s society, which was due to the fact that even though the Industrial Revolution brought technological advances, industrial pollution was still minimal, and Americans didn’t know much or nothing at all about the topic. However, by the early 1960s, the rapid growth of factories resulted in constant smoke being released into the air. Americans started to become more aware of the effects of pollution on the environment. Americans started to notice how these factories dumped waste into the air and water sources, causing changes to the environment and leading to illness and death.

In the 1960s, Americans took over streets to protest about Counterculture and the Civil Rights Movement. This was a tumultuous and divisive decade, but it also became an inspirational decade to Senator Gaylord Nelson, who created the Earth Day movement to educate Americans about environmental issues. This non-profit organization focuses on climate crisis and what to do to protect our environment. Earth Day became a national spotlight, allowing more Americans to be aware of climate changes and what was causing them.

Now, Earth Day is a worldwide movement. Here are some ways you can make everyday Earth Day and protect the environment:
• Reduce, reuse, and recycle;
• Plant a tree;
• Buy non-toxic chemicals;
• Buy energy efficient light bulbs;
• Use less water; and
• Drive less.

To learn more about Earth Day, please visit