South Street Pump Station Emergency Generator Replacement Project

The Village of Suffern owns and operates a pump station, located on South Street, as part of the sanitary sewer collection system. This pump station is the largest within the collection system and serves as the primary pump station. The pump station is located within the floodway of the floodplain, and received significant damage during Hurricane Irene, which also had a direct impact on the emergency generator.

KC was responsible for providing engineering consulting services for the project, which included performing site and existing condition investigations and preparing design documents, specifications, and the engineering cost estimate. KC also provided bid phase services, including preparation of bid and contract documents.

The scope of construction work included removal of the existing generator, all associated accessories, and the transfer switch; installation of a 150-kilowatt (kW) generator and automatic transfer switch; reconnection of the new generator to the existing control panels; and installation of all wiring, conduit, and appurtenances to and from the new generator to provide a complete and functional backup power generation system.

Michaelson Studios Electrical Supply Project

Michaelson Studios plans to revitalize the old City of Middletown train depot on Midland Avenue Extension by creating a new film and production studio. Due to the extremely high-power demands of the required lighting systems needed for the facility, KC was contracted to design the electrical supply connections to the utility provider.

KC prepared calculations and designs for connection of the 6,500 AMP 208 VAC 3-phase connection from the utility’s transformer to the power control center in the facility.

The service utilized multiple stages in transforming all of the available 2 Megawaits in power and distributing it to the entire facility. KC also prepared the utility application for the client and coordinated with Orange and Rockland Utilities, and performed the site utility survey.