Ellenville Emergency Shelter Design Project

The Village of Ellenville was eligible to apply for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding for long-term recovery and resiliency projects. During Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee, the Village’s residents were forced to evacuate their homes due to extensive flooding and/or power outages that lasted for over two weeks. However, during this time, there was insufficient shelter capacity to house the displaced residents. The existing shelters did not accommodate special needs, such as pets and handicap access, and the shelters were inaccessible due to road closures.

KC conducted a needs assessment to determine the appropriate size for the new shelter and the types of ancillary services that should be offered. KC’s design team reviewed the requirements per GOSR and HUD and created a program study for the shelter. All plans and specifications for the shelter are being prepared in conformance with CDBG, American Red Cross, and GOSR requirements.

Wallkill Water System Interconnect Project

The Town of Wallkill is located in close proximity with two adjoining municipal water systems. During emergencies, the City of Middletown and the Village of Goshen share their water. KC, as the Town of Wallkill Engineer, located a suitable grant and successfully pursued the grant application that provided a 25% grant with zero interest loan for the construction of municipal water interconnections.

Upon receipt of the grant, KC worked closely with the Town in negotiations for an intermunicipal agreement between both the City and the Village, as well as assisted the Town with securing the required permits and approvals. All municipalities required the interconnections to function as full-flow connections with bi-directional meters and pressure-reducing valves. The interconnections also needed to allow the interconnection pits to be isolation points.

The connection with the Village of Goshen was configured to allow water to be sourced at one municipality’s well field and treated at the others’ treatment plants, which are located in close proximity to each other. Two connections were made with the City of Middletown to feed the two zones in the City and three zones in the Town of Wallkill due to its proximity to the Town’s booster pump station. KC designed metering vaults and site plans for various locations, as well as prepared contract documents and technical specifications for the project. The connections, once installed, will be able to provide service to three water districts from a combined total of 27 sources benefitting a combined population of over 50,000 people.