South Street Pump Station Emergency Generator Replacement Project

The Village of Suffern owns and operates a pump station, located on South Street, as part of the sanitary sewer collection system. This pump station is the largest within the collection system and serves as the primary pump station. The pump station is located within the floodway of the floodplain, and received significant damage during Hurricane Irene, which also had a direct impact on the emergency generator.

KC was responsible for providing engineering consulting services for the project, which included performing site and existing condition investigations and preparing design documents, specifications, and the engineering cost estimate. KC also provided bid phase services, including preparation of bid and contract documents.

The scope of construction work included removal of the existing generator, all associated accessories, and the transfer switch; installation of a 150-kilowatt (kW) generator and automatic transfer switch; reconnection of the new generator to the existing control panels; and installation of all wiring, conduit, and appurtenances to and from the new generator to provide a complete and functional backup power generation system.

Orange County Veterans Memorial Cemetery Project

KC, in conjunction with Behan Planning and Design, developed a master plan for the Orange County Veterans Memorial Cemetery as well as provided architectural design and engineering for pavilions, lighting, landscaping, and a plot locator.

The KC team analyzed the layout of the site and developed a master plan that included site topography, roadway configuration, access and internal circulation, signage for both vehicles and pedestrians, landscaping and lighting, water, sewer, irrigation, drainage facilities, and an evaluation of the existing structures and facilities.

Several draft plan approaches were presented to the Veterans Affairs Board for discussion. A single plan, including elements from multiple plans, was fully developed into the master plan document for the facility.

The remaining term of the agreement will be used to help the County design and implement additional facilities within the cemetery. Some potential new facilities include a second dedication area, a directory kiosk, and a new columbarium. KC will prepare full design and bid/specification packages for these projects.

Infrastructure Week Day 2: Water

DCWWA Shore Haven Water Pipe

Water is a vital resource, but with a rise in deteriorating infrastructure and underfunded programs like the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), we’ve run into a nationwide problem.

In recent years, we’ve witnessed water crisis on a national scale in places like Flint, Michigan, whose citizens haven’t had access to clean water in nearly four years; Texas, Florida, and especially Puerto Rico, where last year’s hurricanes damaged municipal water services; and the Southwest United States, where drought conditions continue to worsen.

Over one million miles of pipes work to deliver water around the country, most of that aging infrastructure having been laid numerous decades ago. Now more than ever, America requires government action to upgrade insufficient water infrastructure. Clean, reliable drinking water is a commodity that everyone, without exception, should have access to.

At KC Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. (KC), our water supply group works to create sufficient, long-term resolutions to provide safe drinking water. With a group of skilled water, wastewater, civil, and environmental engineers, KC is able to provide lasting solutions to various municipalities, residential developments, and many more.

With projects like the Wallkill Water System Interconnect, Kosuga Well 7 Development, and LaGuardia Airport Trunk Main Relocation, KC continues to play a vital role in ensuring the functionality of filtration systems, water resources, and water treatment.

Infrastructure Week Day 1: Bridges

Replacement of the Route 59 Bridge over MNRR

How do we resolve a problem as widespread as nationally deficient bridge infrastructure?

Year after year, America’s deteriorating infrastructure is so critically neglected that now, in 2018, we face a multi-billion dollar backlog for the rehabilitation of bridges, a vital facet of the nation’s transportation infrastructure.

While the number of structurally deficient bridges in the United States is down significantly from years past, according to an Infrastructure Report Card provided by the American Society of Civil Engineers, around 188 million trips were taken across these deficient bridges in 2017.

Rehabilitation needs for bridges are backlogged as much as $123 billion, an investment of over half of the funding already provided. These high repair and rehabilitation costs pose a nationwide challenge to state transportation agencies pursuing the construction of reliable infrastructure.

At KC Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C. (KC), structural engineering remains an integral part of our corporation’s contribution to providing safe, sufficient bridge infrastructure.

With projects like the Design and Construction of Emergency Repairs of the Park Avenue Viaduct at 118th Street, Replacement of the Route 59 Bridge over MNRR, and the Greenkill Avenue Bridge Replacement, KC is continuously able to provide survey services, design assessment, and structural analysis for the replacement and rehabilitation of damaged, deficient, and extremely vital bridge infrastructure in various counties of New York State.

Utility Improvements Contract 3.1 Sanitary Sewer Pipe TV Inspections and Cleaning Project

As part of ongoing CWSRF improvements, KC prepared bid documents for Contract 3.1, Sanitary Sewer Pipe TV Inspections and Cleaning, and obtained the required authorizations from the NYSEFC and the Village of Wappingers Falls, led the bidding process, provided inspection services, and summarized results and recommendations in an engineering report.

The Village authorized Fred A. Cook, Jr., Inc., the Contractor, to perform Contract 3.1. The purpose of Contract 3.1 was to conduct a TV inspection of the remaining sewer pipes that have not been replaced or recently lined in order to identify optimal uses of the remaining CWSRF funds. Sewer cleaning was completed to provide access for the TV inspection. TV inspection was completed in 2017.

The Contractor provided reports and video logs of the pipeline assessment to the Village. The reports included detailed information about defects and observations witnessed during the TV video inspection, and every pipe run included a ratings summary. KC was present for the TV inspection work and watched the video footage in real time, along with the Contractor, for the purpose of assessment and coding. Coding was completed consistent with the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP). KC also developed an improved sewer map for Village use.

The TV inspection of the sewer pipes provided the ability to assess pipe condition and make recommendations for improvements. The results of Contract 3.1 were summarized in a report by KC. The engineering report and the detailed TV inspection report provided by the Contractor provided significant information for reference for planning of current and future capital sewer infrastructure improvements.

Collectively, the sewer improvement efforts continue to improve function of the Village of Wappingers Falls sewer system, reduce infiltration and inflow (I&I) in the sewer system and to the Tri-Municipal Sewer Plant, and extend the useful life of the sewer infrastructure.